dinsdag 4 december 2012

Life: Diary 48

Last week in pictures! 

fall, beautiful isn't it? // cocktails with Desiree at FRANK // cozy atmosphere at the family party // A+ for this salade my boyfriend made me! // 'just daydreaming', sunday morning at work // cheese fondue with my ♥. the love for good food is something we certainly share! // ♥'s mother turning 60 means a weekend full of celebrations! // lovely Gijssie // sun set on my way to work. waaaay too early! ;)  

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Deze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.

  2. Ik ben net begonnen met bloggen en vind jouw diaries echt leuk bedacht! :)
    Ik volg je vanaf nu! ;)

