zaterdag 23 februari 2013


vest - H&M divided, skirt - H&M divided, top - H&M divided, necklace - Primark, tights - Primark, sneakers - New Balace

There was a time I thought leopard prints and letter necklaces were tacky. But people change. I'll tell you more about the necklace - R is the first letter of my boyfriends name - tomorrow in my diary post. Today it's about the tights. Sheer and leopard. When I noticed them in store (on sale, yaay) it was love at first sight. The package looked so incredibly tasteless I had to have it. It challenged me to make something good out of it. 
Thursday was my day off and I couldn't wait to wear it (this is certainly not work material!). Pair 'm with sneakers, was one of my first thought. The skaterskirt was the next thing I took on. And while I was running around the house in all that and my bra - looking for the right shirt or blouse to combine it with - the doorbell rang. I grabbed the nearest thing to dress up and open the door, and tadaa, a new outfit came into this world. The thick, knitted vest took the trash away. The look is comfy now. With an edge. And I really love that!

Can't wait to wear these tights with an oversized black dress and ancle boots!

What are your thoughts about it?

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